FHMS Counseling

Fort Herriman Middle School

Welcome to the Fort Herriman Middle School Counseling Center Webpage!

School Counselors support students in their academic success, career planning, social/emotional resilience, and building citizenship/character. As part of your educational team, we are committed to the best practices for your student and family. We value our collaboration with you and love being involved in your student’s successes. Please call our counseling office or email your student’s counselor to schedule a meeting.

Parent Resources

Looking for extra help with a student who is struggling? Along with the resources offered in school, you may also find these links helpful.

Parent Guidance – Offers education and therapeutic support to empower and give you hope as you support your child’s mental health.

Jordan Health & Wellness – Offers a list of Community Mental Health Providers, information on Crisis Response, and helpful links to Jordan Family Education Center classes.

Student Groups – Run by a counselor during the school day in the Counseling Center. We offer support groups for Grief, Divorce, Anxiety, and Social Skills. If you feel like your student could benefit from one of these groups please fill out the following form and we will contact you.

Technology Help

The district has great information on using and accessing the digital tools we are using. Check out their website here to get help on using any tools! https://digitallearning.jordandistrict.org/